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standing2.JPG (59589 bytes)      alan2.JPG (45847 bytes)

Look I can almost stand on my own!!!??? and Grandpa Richardson holds me for the first time!

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Grandma Richardson and Aunt Beth get a turn...

babtism1.JPG (49366 bytes)      babtism2.JPG (64573 bytes)

Babtism time.......and I didn't scream at all

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Godparents and my cake

evan1.JPG (59418 bytes)      connie4.JPG (56456 bytes)

Uncle Evan and Grandma Richardson

parents1.JPG (65062 bytes)      relatives2.JPG (73819 bytes)

The whole gang

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Great Aunt Sandy, Great Uncle John, Aunt Christine and Eric

gfts1.JPG (55834 bytes)      peligan.JPG (39872 bytes)

Cool gifts Mom!!!!! and look theres a heron at the park

bob6.JPG (43068 bytes)      naptime.JPG (47318 bytes)

And he talks too wow!!!  and time for some rest

tvbarrier.JPG (52531 bytes)      notvbarrier.JPG (48905 bytes)

Can I watch TV please.  Come on just take the pillow away.   Thanks, this is the best Mom!

hen3.JPG (54293 bytes)

Neighborhood babies